Big news! IBM doesn’t make computers anymore. And weirdly, not a lot of people know it. As IBM continues to reintroduce itself to consumers, its digital presence is where so much of its personality shines though. Working across several internal teams, I’m able to bring a bolder, fresher tone to the 108-year-old tech giant.
Apollo 11 Anniversary
Postcards from the Moon microsite
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo mission, IBM created an interactive microsite that lets users send a postcard from the moon. I wrote the UI copy to accompany the experience, which generated over 6,500 postcards in its first weekend.
Around 60% of users completed the journey, resulting in a record-breaking spike in traffic to the campaign landing page.
Social Content
With over 4,000 IBMers involved in the launch of Apollo, its anniversary was a huge deal that called for activations across every digital touchpoint. These social posts celebrated the mission by bringing past and present together in a mini-campaign that celebrated IBM’s history while looking toward its future.
Project Debater
In 2018, IBM unveiled Project Debater, an artificial intelligence that could debate a human in real time. In the weeks leading up to its reveal, we launched a social campaign to inspire curiosity and tease the AI’s capabilities.
THINKing of You
The writer would like to point out that “data” now takes the singular verb according the latest A.P. Stylebook updates. Don’t @ me.
In 2019, IBM’s annual “Think” conference coincided with Valentine’s Day. To keep traveling conference-goers connected to their special someones back home, we created an interactive microsite that allowed them to send a nerdy little Valentine to the apple of their AI.
I wrote all UI copy and more tech puns than I can possibly describe for the Valentine messages.